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May 1, 2011

Thunar, Nautilus, exo-utils and “the location is not a folder” error.

Installing Thunar in gnome causes Nautilus to show a “the location is not a folder” error.

The problem is a thunar dependency called exo-utils.

Removing exo-utils also removes thunar. Some of us need to have both thunar and nautilus installed in gnome:
Since the problem is exo-utils, I have built a thunar .deb without the exo-utils dependency.

Here is how for 64bit:

dpkg-deb -x thunar_1.2.1-3ubuntu2_amd64.deb tmpdir
dpkg-deb --control thunar_1.2.1-3ubuntu2_amd64.deb tmpdir/DEBIAN
gedit tmpdir/DEBIAN/control

Remove ‘exo-utils’ from the ‘Depends’ line and save

dpkg -b tmpdir thunar_1.2.1-3ubuntu2_amd64-no_exo-utils_dependency.deb
sudo apt-get remove exo-utils
sudo dpkg -i thunar_1.2.1-3ubuntu2_amd64-no_exo-utils_dependency.deb
sudo apt-get -f install


Download the package from here:


Posted by acuervo. Filed under Linux, terminal, Ubuntu.

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5 Responses to “Thunar, Nautilus, exo-utils and “the location is not a folder” error.”

  1. Bazon Bloch Says:

    mmc wrote on 2011-05-31: #10

    If you want to simply fix the opening of files but retain XFCE/exo you can simply open "exo-preferred-applications" and change the preferred "file manager" under "utilities" back to "Thunar"

    I'm guessing the install of XFCE changes this default, anyway flipping it back to thunar certainly fixes the behaviour in Unity for me.

  2. acuervo Says:

    Yes, thank you.
    However the idea here was to be able to have both file managers installed and have Nautilius as the Default.

  3. Gustavo Lima Says:

    Thank you very very very much!

  4. Kervin Ramen Says:

    Thanks a lot! How do we prevent exo-utils from installing on update?

  5. acuervo Says:

    You may "Lock Version" under the "Package" menu in Synaptic.

    However, keep in mind that this may be addressed soon officially, as the bug has been recently confirmed in Launchpad.

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