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October 15, 2008

The easiest way to install Flash 10 on Ubuntu 64 bits

IMPORTANT UPDATE #2: Adobe has released a NATIVE 64bit Flash Player, Please click here to the newer post

To install Flash 10 version on Ubuntu 8.04 64 Bits, (Released October 15 2008)

Copy and Paste the following on the terminal:

wget && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./


Note: If you just want to see the code for the script, it is available here:

Posted by acuervo. Filed under 64-bit, Firefox, Flash, Linux, Ubuntu.

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54 Responses to “The easiest way to install Flash 10 on Ubuntu 64 bits”

  1. Lethedethius Says:

    a native Flash for 64 bit… type in:

    wget…. && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./

    Works great for me!

  2. piwshop Says:

    dude that is so awesome… I just finish it in a few seconds…

  3. guest Says:

    I used yor advise on 9.10 64 bit and it works great! Haven got a clue what I did, but thanks for the trouble you took to write this all on the web.

  4. Sundance Says:

    I feel so much happier now I unedrasntd all this. Thanks!

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Elie Wiesel
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