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Posts Tagged ‘Dropbox’

April 14, 2009

Dropbox & KeePass: The perfect cross-platform and mobile password management system

This is a nice way of keeping your secured passwords synced in all your computers and laptops, even cross-platform. Colin has a nice summary:

Tell me if this sounds like you: you have a few standard passwords that you routinely use for every site you visit. One of them you use for sites that don’t contain too much personal or sensitive information, and maybe you use one or two for sites that do. If you want to be REALLY secure you have another password that you only use for bank or credit card sites that contain your most sensitive information.

This is what I used to do (for many years in fact). Then I got to thinking: what happens if someone discovers one of those passwords? If it were one of the more sensitive ones, I’d be in deep trouble. So, I set out looking for a better way to manage my passwords.

What I’m going to describe in this article is a system I’ve implemented to manage my passwords in a secure, cross-platform way. It’s by no means the best way to do things for everyone, but it’s worked out extremely well for me thus far.

Read the rest of the post at

Dropbox (Using my referral link 🙂 )

KeepassX (Linux’s port of keepass)

Posted by acuervo. Filed under Linux, Security, Ubuntu.

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"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

Elie Wiesel
1413 grains of sand from alejandro cuervo