Linux, Open Source, Web, Engineering, Technology

March 26, 2009

Posting to wordpress using Google Apps email or Gmail

Google Apps POP3 server requires SSL in order to work. If your webserver was built with SSL support, you can simply do the following in the wordpress “Post via e-mail” configuration:

  1. Enter ssl:// as the mail server
  2. Enter 995 as the port.


March 9, 2009

What Facebook Is For?

March 6, 2009

KUMO, the next failure from Microsoft.

ballmerWhen will Microsoft learn? They are simple light years behind google in search technology. No matter what they do they will never catch up, they are simply to far away.

They are getting ready (for the fifth time, i think) to relaunch their search engine.  After the all failed,,, this time it will be  From the screenshot below we can see they have done everything possible to copy google’s layout. (yes, Microsoft is really good at copying, never at innovating).

Kumo, Kumo? Steve, how about buying the domain? It should be a bargain for you.

No need for a crystal ball here, this is Microsoft’s next failure. What do you think?



March 5, 2009

Company naming guides

March 2, 2009

Free blogging desktop clients for linux

This will be an ever gowing list of blogging desktop clients

February 5, 2009

Using VNC with Terminal Server Client on Ubuntu

The VNC client bundled with Ubuntu, Vinagre, works half the time. Fortunately, we can also VNC with the installed “Terminal Server Client”

The “VNC” option with the default installation of Terminal Server Client is disabled or grayed-out.

To enable it you need to install the xtightvncviewer package in Synaptic or with the following command on the terminal

sudo apt-get install xtightvncviewer


UPDATE: To also enable the XDMCP protocol option, sudo apt-get install xnest

February 4, 2009

Merge PDF Documents in Ubuntu, for free.

If you are just looking for a quick solution, the online service “MergePDF” will be a good solution

For a more permanent and local solution try PDFSAM.


February 4, 2009

Remote virtual machines over RDP with VirtualBox on Ubuntu

Once you have enabled the built-in VRDP server in VirtualBOX, the rest is a straight forward RDP connection using the “Terminal Server Client” found under “Applications>Internet>”, except for the following two conditions:

  1. The protocol used must be “RDP”, as “DRPv5” will not work.
  2. This is where everybody has problems. For the server address (Computer:) you should put the HOST’S IP address and NOT the guest’s ip as common sense would dictate.
Terminal server client Configuration for VirtualBox's VRDP

Terminal server client Configuration for VirtualBox's VRDP

"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

Elie Wiesel
3474 grains of sand from alejandro cuervo