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August 7, 2009

Microsoft’s Windows 7 Upgrade Mess

No upgrade from XP. They have got to be kidding.

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Posted by acuervo. Filed under Microsoft.


4 Responses to “Microsoft’s Windows 7 Upgrade Mess”

  1. The Doctor Says:

    I don’t follow: anyone with any shop experience knows that a straight “upgrade” over the current installed OS version is just an invitation for disaster.

    Fresh installs only, my fellow technocrats. But then again, we’ve moved past closed-source “solutions” haven’t we? For shame.

  2. Alejandro Says:

    Your comment holds true. However my “no upgrade from XP” sarcastic comment, was mostly related to the fact that Vista had no widespread adoption. In this particular case, when the majority of windows computers are still running XP, It should have made sense to make an upgrade path to Windows 7.

  3. The Doctor Says:

    I whole-heartily agree. Thanks for posting this, as I now know I won't be saving anything when just buying 7's upgrade.

    Cripes. I really would like to get myself off the crack, but there's no real choice when looking into 3D-ECAD/MCAD. Like I said… for shame (@ MS).

  4. acuervo Says:

    How about Pro/Engineer? Last time I checked they had a version for linux. Not sure if they still do.

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