Linux, Open Source, Web, Engineering, Technology

April 9, 2009

Intel aims for 2-second boot time with Moblin Linux platform

companion photo for Intel aims for 2-second boot time with Moblin Linux platform

At the Linux Collaboration Summit in San Francisco, Intel Open Source
Technology Center director Imhad Sousou discussed the company’s plans
for the next major version of its Linux-based open source Moblin
platform. The aim of Moblin, Sousou says, is to improve the quality of
the Linux user experience on Atom-based devices. For Intel, this is a
broad mandate that reaches deep into the platform and will require
improvements at many different layers of the stack. One especially
important aspect of Intel’s platform improvement agenda is to reduce
overall startup time.

Tests of the latest Moblin 2 alpha release show that the major components of the stack, including the graphics system, can start up in mere seconds. Intel intends to build on this effort and hopes to eventually reduce total startup time to two seconds. Achieving this ambitious goal while still retaining the full software stack will be an important step for making Moblin an appropriate platform for embedded car computers and many other embedded applications where the software needs to be seamless and instantly accessible. “We think that two second boot is possible,” Sousou declared during his presentation.

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Posted by acuervo. Filed under Linux.

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