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December 2, 2008

Installing Xmonad on Ubuntu

This is the simplest (I think) that a window manager can get.

From the makers:

xmonad is a dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell. In a normal WM, you spend half your time aligning and searching for windows. xmonad makes work easier, by automating this.

A window manager that is completely different. To leave distractions aside and concentrate on real work, is very hard to beat xmonad. This is simplicity as its best. It Rocks.

By the way, it can co-exist with your other windows managers so you can use it on a per need basis. Just chose it on the login window by pressing F10.

To install on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install xmonad

Be sure to read the guided tour first and learn all the basic stuff here otherwise I guarantee you wont get anywhere.

The least you should learn is Alt-shift-enter to be able to open a terminal and Alt-shift-q to quit

Posted by acuervo. Filed under Linux, terminal, Ubuntu.

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The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

Elie Wiesel
3113 grains of sand from alejandro cuervo