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November 1, 2008

Installing Flash 10 on Intrepid, Ubuntu 8.10 64 Bits

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Adobe has released a NATIVE 64bit Flash Player, Please see this post

Now that Intrepid (Ubuntu 8.10) is out, installing the latest version of flash 10 (ver. is easier than never before, just type the following in your terminal

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree


Alternatively you can simply select the package flashplugin-nonfree in synaptic.

Hardy users, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, see this post

Posted by acuervo. Filed under 64-bit, Flash, Ubuntu.

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8 Responses to “Installing Flash 10 on Intrepid, Ubuntu 8.10 64 Bits”

  1. » Blog Archive » The easiest way to install Flash 10 on Ubuntu 64 bits Says:

    […] Users of Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid, click here. Users of Ubuntu 8.04 keep […]

  2. krsnendu Says:

    I installed it but Youtube videos are just a blank box.

    Google videos and others work fine.

    Anyone else have this problem?

  3. Vasko Says:

    Yes i have that problem. Not always but 3 times out of 10 when I click on a video in youtube I get a gray box, no video but the audio is playing in the background

  4. Vampboy Says:

    I tried the non-free plugin and it didn’t work right on all things (especially not games) but his 8.04 script worked great on 8.10:

  5. Arup Roy Chowdhury Says:

    Tried all methods on my Ubuntu Intrepid x64, the repository method works fine for FF but not for Opera where I get a blank screen, so the best method stil remains your script and nothing else.

  6. Arup Says:

    Problem solved, Adobe has released a x64 Flash 10, and guess what, Linux gets it first, download the tar from, untar and copy the to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins Make sure that previous versions of Flash is uninstalled. Thats all, both FF and Opera picks it up nicely and it works as good as anything in full x64 mode.

  7. thegizmoguy Says:

    According to the chatter on launchpad, it’s buggy as hell on Ubuntu x64:

  8. anon Says:

    Thank you, thank you for posting this script. Been struggling with flash issues for couple of months but too stubborn to go back to XP so kept searching for solutions, tweaking, reinstalling, etc. This one finally fixed it for me.

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