Linux, Open Source, Web, Engineering, Technology

April 24, 2009

Installing Canon’s ImageCLASS MF4270 SCANNER on Ubuntu 64 bit

To install the scanner of the multifunctional printer MF4270, do the following.

cvs -d login
cvs -d checkout sane-backends
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
cd sane-backends/
./configure –prefix=/usr –sysconfdir=/etc –localstatedir=/var
sudo make install
cp /etc/udev/rules.d/70-libsane.rules ~/
sudo cp tools/udev/libsane.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/70-libsane.rules
sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart

Test sane version, should be 1.x.xcvs

scanimage -V

add your self to the scanner group

logout and then login.


For the Printer part follow this guide:

Posted by acuervo. Filed under 64-bit, Linux, Ubuntu.

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