Linux, Open Source, Web, Engineering, Technology

January 13, 2011

Install GnuCash 2.4.0 with database support in Ubuntu 10.10

Be sure to enable the “Source Code” repositories first.

tar xvfz gnucash-2.4.0.tar.gz

sudo aptitude build-dep gnucash
sudo aptitude install texinfo subversion intltool libdbi0-dev libdbd-{sqlite3,pgsql,mysql} guile-1.8 guile-1.8-dev doxygen libdbi0-dev libdbd-{sqlite3,pgsql,mysql}

cd /usr/share/guile/1.8
sudo ln -s ../../slib slib
sudo guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'new-catalog)"

cd ~/gnucash-2.4.0/

./configure --prefix=$HOME/stable/gnucash --enable-debug --enable-doxygen --enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings --enable-dbi
make all install

and finally, run it



Posted by acuervo. Filed under Business, Linux, terminal, Ubuntu.

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13 Responses to “Install GnuCash 2.4.0 with database support in Ubuntu 10.10”

  1. Sean Soo Says:

    Excellent ! Finally get 2.4 working on 10.04. Thanks a lot

  2. Eli Says:

    Thanks for posting this. It greatly simplified including the dependencies . I have it working on 10.10

  3. gcdoc Says:

    ohhhh muito obrigado funcionou direitinho.. ubunto 10.10.. gtz…

  4. acuervo Says:

    de nada!

  5. Sab Says:

    Su Ubuntu 10.04 Funziona
    Grazie Mille

  6. acuervo Says:


  7. scott thistle Says:

    All I did was:

    sudo apt-get install libdbd-mysql gnucash

    700MB smaller installer.

  8. acuervo Says:

    Yes, but are you able to use the MySQL or sqlite backends?
    The packaged version on the repositories does not have that support complied.

  9. AVH Says:

    It's not working for me. I get to:

    sudo guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'new-catalog)"

    And I get the error:

    ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
    ERROR: Unable to find file "slib/guile.init" in load path

  10. Juan Says:

    Make sure you are liniking it good in the previous space
    sudo ln -s ../../slib slib

  11. Dave Says:

    How do I remove this please, specifically:

    sudo aptitude install texinfo subversion intltool libdbi0-dev libdbd-{sqlite3,pgsql,mysql} guile-1.8 guile-1.8-dev doxygen libdbi0-dev libdbd-{sqlite3,pgsql,mysql}


    sudo guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'new-catalog)"

    to get back as if I had not installed this, please?


  12. Ihsan Says:

    I keep getting this message.
    Unable to find the source package for "gnucash"

    Do you know what's wrong with my repository?

  13. Ihsan Faisal Says:

    never mind, I fixed the repository.

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