Linux, Open Source, Web, Engineering, Technology

November 7, 2009

Google opens up its JavaScript development toolbox to all

companion photo for Google opens up its JavaScript development toolbox to all

Google is providing the web development community with an intriguing glimpse under the hood at some of the fundamental building blocks of the company’s most popular web applications. The search giant has opened the source code of its comprehensive JavaScript library collection and is making it available to third-party developers for widespread adoption. Google also opened the source code of its own JavaScript compression tools.

The library, called Closure, includes an extraordinarily diverse assortment of capabilities with functionality ranging from JSON serialization to standard user interface widgets. All of the features are cross-browser compatible and can be readily adopted without marginalizing any users. The library consists primarily of helper functions and user interface widgets, many of which are recognizable from popular Google applications.

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Posted by acuervo. Filed under Google, Linux, Web-Ecosystem.


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Elie Wiesel
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