Linux, Open Source, Web, Engineering, Technology

July 23, 2011

UPDATED, Finally! Adobe releases native 64 bit Flash 11 for Linux

UPDATED Jul 23/2011

Finally we have a native 64bit Flash 11. It is working very well, I highly recommend it.

Before installing it, make sure that previous versions of Flash and nspluginwrapper are uninstalled.

Download it from:
untar, copy and link to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins by doing the following in the terminal. (make sure you close Firefox first)

tar zxvf flashplayer11_b1_install_lin_64_071311.tar.gz sudo cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/ sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/


Or, alternatively (you should always read and understand scripts before running them) you can do this installation just by copying and pasting the following in the terminal:

wget && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./

This script will install Native 64 Bit Flash 11 and will also remove previous versions of flash and “nspluginwrapper”
Note: If you just want to see the code for the script, it is available here:

EDIT #1: January 01/2009: Updated everything to use latest adobe version 10.0.d21.1
EDIT #2: March 02/2009: Updated everything to use latest adobe version
EDIT #3: August 02/2009: Updated everything to use latest adobe version
EDIT #4: January 05/2010: Updated everything to use latest adobe version
EDIT #5: February 11/2010: Updated everything to use latest adobe version
EDIT #6: October 12/2010: Updated everything to use latest adobe version Preview
EDIT #7: July 23/2011: Updated everything to use latest version of Adobe Flash version

Posted by acuervo. Filed under 64-bit, Firefox, Flash, Linux, terminal, Ubuntu, Web-Ecosystem.

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56 Responses to “UPDATED, Finally! Adobe releases native 64 bit Flash 11 for Linux”

  1. Arup Says:

    Thanks, its very important to do a complete removal of older flash plugin and nsplugin either via Synaptic or through apt-get –purge remove way. Otherwise use Alejandro’s excellent script here.

  2. Javier Says:


  3. Installare Adobe Flash 10 per Linux a 64 bit. | PettiNix Says:

    […]] Segnala presso: var adbard_key=”dbdaacea9c45944d20f71f320c63c888″; Etichette: Adobe, firefox, […]

  4. rakesh Says:

    thanks for the tut man … it helped me ..

    keep up the good work

  5. Rick Says:

    This is great and I really enjoy having native 64-bit performance. Thank you!

    I had a minor issue with Seamonkey. That browser does not work with the 64-bit flash. I ended up downloading a copy of the 10.0 r15 Flash and copying it to the plugins directory but changed the filename (added ’64’ to the 64-bit version) so that both versions are present in the plugins directory. Now Seamonkey and Firefox are both happy.

    It might be a good idea to make a copy of your existing flash as well. I’ve run into one site that does not work properly with either of the version 10 Flash plugins, but many sites that run just fine (and a lot faster).

  6. Chris Says:

    After several tries from a variety of web tips your script worked like a charm. Flash was working fine until just a few days ago. Thanks, it works great now……

  7. Yaazkal Says:

    Hi !

    I don’t know if you offer “support” trough this web. But… I have Ubuntu 8.4 (64 bits) and that script doesn’t work for me.

    I have tried to run it on the two ways but nothing happens. Even if I download the .sh file and execute it as root

    What else could it be ? What can I do ?

    Thanks !

  8. ovidiu Says:

    THX. BRILLIANT. I had endless trouble with the version that comes with 8.10 your script solved it all brilliantly 🙂

  9. Harry Says:

    on a Turion x64 and Ubuntu 8.04 x64 … did not work

  10. Reffu Says:

    Thank you so much. Tried several other ,ethods but none worked. They would always give me that blank box. Your method makes it run so much better than anything else

  11. roger Says:

    You are my hero. Thanks.

  12. johannes Says:

    And full screen problems? Everything but this is ok. Thanks.

  13. fridley Says:

    Installed your latest script, but now Gmail wont open (crashes everytime). Think I might uninstall and go back to your old script.

  14. Kelly Says:

    Script worked fine.

    But, whenever I open or gmail firefox crashes.

  15. Kelly Says:

    Seems even with -safe-mode set it seg. faults.

    Created a new profile and bing, works fine no crashes on iPlayer.

    So solution must be to create a new profile after updating to this flash.

  16. Kelly Says:

    OK, spoke too soon, still crashes firefox. Using Ubuntu 9.04 on Core2Duo, firefox (adblock plus, downthemall!, googlepreview, xmarks addons).

  17. alex Says:

    Any chance you will update the script with

  18. Alejandro Says:

    Script has been updated to use latest Adobe Flash version

  19. Poobanks Says:

    Thanks for the great article.

    I recently upgraded to Firefox 3.5.3 on 64-bit Ubuntu 9.04 and could not get the Flash plugin to work. Thanks to this, I finally got it working.

  20. Maj Says:

    Done 🙂
    You may re-start Firefox now and enjoy native 64 bit Flash!
    jpruitt@winkypop:~$ firefox&
    [1] 23112


  21. Matthew Says:

    I get this error message when I enter the above code:

    matthew@matthew-laptop:~$ tar zxvf
    tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

  22. acuervo Says:

    Make sure of two things
    1) you have downloaded this file,
    2) You are issuing the "tar zxvf" command on the directory where you downloaded the file in #1

    You could also, just paste in the terminal (ctrl+shift+v) the following command,
    wget…. && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./

  23. psychophil Says:

    Thought this had not worked after cutting and pasting the command line above. Fire fox crashed! Then remembered reading somewhere that a reboot solved the problem!!!

    Add "Do a rebbot!" and the instructions works a treat!

  24. Patrick Says:

    Thank you for your brief and very useful tutorial.

    However I think one thing should be corrected – at least from what I experienced. You imply there are two ways to install the plugin; first (the beginner version) by tar'ing it and simply copying it to the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins folder, or second by using the all-in-one wget command line. When I performed the first way to install it, it didn't work yet instead when I tried to use the wget version it did work. Just want to clear this up because it's implied with the first version that simply copying the shared library to the ….plugins/ folder will simply make it work — can you confirm this is true or not? In my experience this was certainly not true. After further examination of the 'advanced' wget version, might I have been forgetting to change the permissions and subsequently running the shell script? If that is necessary, then I don't think there are two separate ways to do this based on your tutorial – in other words, might there just be one way to do it? I ask because I got stuck on the first version for a bit, consulted with IRC folks, became frustrated and said what the heck, I'll try the wget line and voila! it worked.

    Anyways, it'd be great to your analysis/opinion on what I experienced. And lastly, wow ! — no longer dealing with nspluginwrapper is a dream come true! 🙂 That process always sucked as I was constantly killing it for behaving badly.

    Thank you!

  25. acuervo Says:

    Both ways are exactly the same, one is completely manual and the other by means of a script.
    The manual part was missing one step. (linking the libraries). I have updated the post.
    I have also removed the "experienced users" words as I really wasn't trying to imply there was a beginner version.

  26. Marvin the Martian Says:

    Thanks for making my life a little easier. I am new to this system and want to give it a chance. So far people like you make it worth every effort on using this system.

  27. acuervo Says:

    You are welcome

  28. Kedar Mhsawade Says:


    The script worked perfectly for me. But Ff 3 and Ff3.5 both crash for me when I used a site (safari books online) that uses the Flash content. It's not stable. After I browse a few pages of an e-book using the plugin, it invariably crashes Firefox! This is a shame. How can a plugin crash the browser?

    I am about to redo the Firefox installation.

    My environment:

    Linux xxxxx 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:48:52 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    $ firefox -v
    Mozilla Firefox 3.0.14, Copyright (c) 1998 – 2009

  29. acuervo Says:

    Several people have told me about the crashing. Most of them have also told me that a reboot fixes that. I don't know why, but you could certainly try that to see if it helps.

  30. acuervo Says:

    Latest version should fix that

  31. barz Says:

    You're a legend since there was no for 64 bits.

  32. jakyra Says:

    Worked perfectly. Thanks!

  33. Jeff Says:

    Thank you so much. Having tried and tried various other "solutions" that didn't work – using the "wget" one seems to have done the job.
    Thanks again.

  34. uberVU - social comments Says:

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by queleimporta: 64 bit Flash 10 for Linux

  35. Reinis Zumbergs Says:

    great, thanks for this blogpost!
    just went from 32 to 64 bit ubuntu karmic – meaning i have fresh install so i had to mkdir /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins manually. and i suppose it was reason why your automatic script didnt work(?) could need a little fix

  36. acuervo Says:

    that is odd. even a fresh install should have the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins directory. But i will look more into it.

  37. paul Says:

    yes, thanks very much. i was able to use flash before, but was not able to use's audio stream. this enabled me to do so, but now audio doesn't work with flash (youtube,, games, etc.). so, you got me halfway there.

  38. acuervo Says:

    a reboot usualy fixes that.

  39. Giuliano Says:

    Thank you very much! i
    t's the first time i'm using linux and i was in panic with youtube!
    Now it is running well!

  40. kimmer Says:

    Works like a charm, thx Bro.

  41. Josh Says:

    I just installed the most recent version from your script, the script installs fine and works, but when I got to the website for Hulu and try to watch a video it tells me that adobe flash for 64bit linux has software restrictions and it wont play.

  42. acuervo Says:

    Sorry, I'm outside the US and cannot acces The error you describe is specific to

  43. abrek Says:

    Brave Maestro! 🙂

  44. jod Says:

    Thank you so much for this very useful tutorial. I just migrated from Lucid 32 bit to Lucid 64 bit. Your tutorial really helped me out! All is now working beautifully!

  45. tim71 Says:

    BIG MISTAKE! It is a big mistake to assume, that flash plugin or the web browsers in common are the only applications for nspluginwrapper.

    It can be needed even for the use of some non-native hardware drivers etc. There is NO NEED to uninstall it because the Flash plugin can be used by the browsers without the use of nspluginwrapper and without the need to unistall it if it is needed for some other purpose.

  46. Brad Says:

    Thank you so much. You have made what was a nightmare a much more enjoyable experience.

  47. Charlie Says:

    Thanks so much for this. I was starting to get frustrated at having to repair Flash Player again.

  48. DJScribe Says:

    Ok, Alejandro has it right. Removing nsplugginwrapper and any flash pkgs via Synaptic then running:
    $ wget…. && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./

    ..gets Flash 10 working on Hardy like a charm. I'm running FF 3.6.6 so not sure if this will work on previous versions, but if I had to guess, I'd bet it would. I've been trying for months to get this running – excellent job, kudos and many thanks Alejandro.

    – Scribe

  49. aaaa Says:

    thanks really

  50. Guest Says: no longer works for me… anyone?

  51. kazman Says:

    My flash wasnt working at all. I then followed these steps and now i can watch Youtube videos and such except that when I go full screen "adobe flash plugin has crashed" 🙁

    Its very annoying since a friend of mine who has exact same machine as me went through same process and his works

  52. kazman Says:

    It works, if anyone encounters the same problem, once the video starts playing, right click and disable hardware acceleration. Full screen will work then.

  53. lucy Says:

    i tried to install your adobe flash 10 to no success, any help you can give will be very helpful

  54. Natxo Says:

    Really usefull !!! Thanks you very much from Spain…

  55. ABHILASH Says:

    It is proved that a 64 Bit system would create less bottlenecks as compared to that of the 32 Bit systems. By taking advantage of this factor, Adobe has taken a new step by releasing the 64 bit flash beta 11 version which was developed taking into account, the upcoming interest of the users towards 64 bit systems and corresponding applications. Adobe flash 11: ubuntu 11.04

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