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February 5, 2009

Using VNC with Terminal Server Client on Ubuntu

The VNC client bundled with Ubuntu, Vinagre, works half the time. Fortunately, we can also VNC with the installed “Terminal Server Client”

The “VNC” option with the default installation of Terminal Server Client is disabled or grayed-out.

To enable it you need to install the xtightvncviewer package in Synaptic or with the following command on the terminal

sudo apt-get install xtightvncviewer


UPDATE: To also enable the XDMCP protocol option, sudo apt-get install xnest

Posted by acuervo. Filed under Linux, terminal, Ubuntu.

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6 Responses to “Using VNC with Terminal Server Client on Ubuntu”

  1. Anirudh Says:

    I did as you said, and was able to connect to a desktop via TSclient -> VNC.
    But things went haywire when I tried disconnecting…I clicked on the "Log Out" tab, and since then, have been unable to connect back to that desktop.

    I can still connect to other desktops, it's just the one I logged out on that keeps troubling me.
    Could you throw some light on this?

  2. acuervo Says:

    Do you have physical access to the remote desktop?

  3. jorgen Says:

    sudo apt-get install xvnc4viewer xtightvncviewer

  4. deneb Says:

    Thanks, i use your command for VNC connection ad it works great! =)

  5. Hiren Says:

    Thanks a lot…really helpful.

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