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Archive for the ‘Ubuntu’ Category

October 15, 2008

The easiest way to install Flash 10 on Ubuntu 64 bits

IMPORTANT UPDATE #2: Adobe has released a NATIVE 64bit Flash Player, Please click here to the newer post

To install Flash 10 version on Ubuntu 8.04 64 Bits, (Released October 15 2008)

Copy and Paste the following on the terminal:

wget && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./


Note: If you just want to see the code for the script, it is available here:

Posted by acuervo. Filed under 64-bit, Firefox, Flash, Linux, Ubuntu.

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September 21, 2008

How to install Flash 10 RC on Ubuntu 64 Bits with 2 clicks

IMPORTANT UPDATE #3: Adobe has released a NATIVE 64bit Flash Player, Please see this post

UPDATE #2: Flash 10 FINAL (version has been released on october 15 2008. Click here to view my latest post with updated instructions

UPDATE: Script has been updated to install the latest Flash 10 RC ver. released Sept 15 2008

To install Flash 10 version on Ubuntu 8.04 64 Bits,

Copy and Paste the following on the terminal:

wget && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./


Note: If you just want to see the code for the script, it is available here:

Posted by acuervo. Filed under Firefox, Flash, Linux, Ubuntu, Web-Ecosystem.


"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

Elie Wiesel
3257 grains of sand from alejandro cuervo