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Archive for the ‘Costa Rica’ Category

September 23, 2011

Companies with the worst customer service in Costa Rica.


Ranking Compañia Problema reportado # de veces reportado Problema Resuelto Nivel de Indiferencia (max=100) Notas
1 Bac San Jose / Credomatic ~ Oct 2010 >10 NO 100 Campeon Indiscutible
2 Amnet  ~ Sept 01 2011 >10 NO 50
3 ICE Tel Oct 01 2011 2 NO  50

Posted by acuervo. Filed under Business, Costa Rica, Web-Ecosystem.

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May 30, 2011

TV Channels Costa Rica

Posted by acuervo. Filed under Business, Costa Rica.

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March 4, 2010

True Multi-Currency Personal Finances

I have not been able to find a PERSONAL finances program that is true multi-currency.  Would love a web-based one, but nothing so far. I can’t believe this does not exist. I have researched this literally for months.

if anybody knows of a true-multi-currency PERSONAL FINANCES program, preferably web-based, but can also be desktop-based, linux or windows I am all ears.

Can’t be that I am the only person in the world with these needs.

By true-multi currency I mean, historical exchange-rate PER TRANSACTION and fully balanced at all times.

To make it more interesting, I am offering the following bounties:

  • $100 dollars to the person that finds a desktop one (windows or linux)
  • $200 for a web-based one that is =<$25/month
  • $300 for a web based and FREE.
  • $350 web-based with multi-user and multi-language for =< $30/month

GNU-Cash, jGnash and moneydance are excluded.
Web-based ones must run in ALL mayor browsers. It can not be MS IExplorer (ie, active-x) only crap.

Feel free to forward this offer. Offer is valid to any person** in the world. 😀

** person must have a pay-pal account in order to receive the money if outside the USA or Costa Rica.

Posted by acuervo. Filed under Costa Rica, Uncategorized, Web-Ecosystem.

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October 29, 2008

Digital Channels Amnet TV Costa Rica

UPDATE Ago 11 2011: Read for a more updated and complete list.

If you have a TV with a digital tunner and the “Basic” service package with Amnet, you may be able to get some free aditional digital channels. These are:

87.1 MovieTraxx 87.9 Musica 90.6 Musica 91.9 Musica
87.2 PayPerView 87.10 Musica Reggae 90.7 Musica 91.10 Musica
88.1 KBS World 87.11 Musica 90.8 Musica 91.11 Musica
88.2 Baby Fox? 87.12 Musica 90.9 Musica 91.12 Musica
88.3 Sci-fi 87.13 Musica 90.10 Musica 91.13 Musica
88.4 Israel 87.14 Musica 90.11 Musica 91.14 Musica
88.5 Sun Channel 87.15 Musica 90.12 Musica 92.1 Musica
101.1 MGM 87.16 Musica 90.13 Musica 92.2 Musica
101.2 Retro 87.17 Musica 90.15 Musica 92.3 Musica
102.1 Discovery Civilization 87.18 Musica 90.17 Musica 92.5 Musica
102.2 Discovery Science 87.19 Musica 90.18 Musica 92.6 Musica
102.3 Discovery Turbo 87.20 Musica 90.20 Musica 92.7 Musica
102.4 Gourmet 87.21 Musica 90.21 Musica 92.8 Musica
102.5 Film & Arts 87.22 Musica 90.22 Musica 91.10 Musica
103.2 CNN HD 87.23 Musica 91.1 Musica 92.11 Musica
105.5 BBC World News 90.1 Musica 91.4 Musica 92.12 Musica
106.6 CCTV-E 90.3 Musica 91.7 Musica

Posted by acuervo. Filed under Costa Rica.

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"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

Elie Wiesel
1062 grains of sand from alejandro cuervo